Sunday 14 October 2012

Why whole wheat bread is better then white bread

Though white bread may be fortified with vitamins and
minerals, whole wheat bread is more nutritious and filling. It  contains more protein
and fiber than white bread which makes it very healthy, whole wheat bread is often recommended as a healthier alternative to white bread. But, do you really know what the difference between the two really is?

A huge difference is the fact that whole wheat bread is much higher in fiber than white bread. Fiber aids in healthy digestion. But, fiber's benefits go beyond healthy digestion. Fiber helps make you feel full quicker making it easier for you to control your weight. It also has many health benefits like the reduction of the risk of heart attacks and strokes due to this high content of fibre.
 Whole wheat bread has gone through less processing and has less preservatives.  Though preservatives haven't been proven to necessarily be bad, if you have the choice between putting natural grains in your body or chemically developed ones, which one would you choose? Personally i would pick the natural one knowing that everything i put in my mouth is in its original state and nothing extra has been added.

White bread has been bleached to get its colour, and the nutrients have been stripped away in the process of bleaching the flour. There are not enough nutrients or fiber to help the body stay healthy and full. Essentially, all you get from eating white bread is empty calories. The body takes the starch that that is produced by the bread and converts it to sugar and stores it as fat. Basically think of it as though you are eating high calorie sugary foods such as cake or candy, because there is not enough nutritional value. Also many whole wheat breads contain more calories then white bread. Dont be fooled by this fact those calories are from the vitamines and nutrients that are enriched in the bread. So next time you go to the grocery store be sure to think twice before buying a loaf of white braed.

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