Sunday 14 October 2012

Tips to losing weight

Over the summer I have tried many things to shed a few pounds. Though i am not fat i feel like the key is not just to lose weight but also to keep that weight off and live a happier and healthier life. Havng not much to do durring the summer I would do a lot of research on the internet. Searching for foods that not only boost your metabolism and keep you feeling full longer, but also give you more energy.  Many of these special diets and tips did not work for me. Some even made me gain a few pounds! But here are a few tips and tricks to help you lose weight the smart and healthy way. So lets get started!

1. Eat spicy food
Eating spicy food not only boosts your metabolism to help you burn fat, but it also slows you down from eating too fast which tends to make you feel hungry even though you have had enough to make you full. Eating slowly gives your brain a chance to process the fact that you are full and that you do not need to continue eating This helps you feel fuller quicker and adds a kick to your meal.

2. Eat breakfast
Studies show that eating breakfast helps you to foccus better through out the day and gives you a boost of energy

3. Eat smaller portions
One way to fool yourself into eating smaller portions is to use a smaller plate. Though if it is full it may seam like alot but you are eating far less then you would have normally. Another usful tip is to eat 4 to 5 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 huge meals.

4. Drink more water
Your body stores water in large quantities when it is dehydrated. The more water you drink the less your body needs to store excess water. And because there is a large quantity of water being put in the body the more toxins are being excreted out. Try and drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

5. Exercise
This is the easiest way to lose weight. Burn more calories then you eat simple! Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. It may seam like a lot but if you use the stairs instead of the elivator and walk to school or work you can exersise and not even notice your doing so!

6. Get your friends or family members to join in
losing weigth as a group is easier then doing it alone. If you are not strong willed then having others to help you every step of the way can make it that much easier for you, and help your friends lose a few pounds as well.

7. Eat more protein
eating protein helps to keep you full longer and aids in muscle growth

8. Drink water before every meal
Drink water before every meal helps fill your stamach which means you'll eat less and stay hydrated.

9. Drink lemon water
drinking lemon juice mixed with hot water in the morning and just before going to bed keeps your metabolism high throughout the day and helps burn fat while you sleep.

10. Use honey instead of sugar
Honey is a natural sweetener. It is high anioxidents and graet for boosting your metabolism.

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