Sunday 14 October 2012

The benifits of Strawberries

The heart-shaped silhouette of the strawberry is the first clue that this fruit is good for you. These berries protect your heart against decease, and increase your HDL (good cholesterol) levels. They also fights against cancer, and lowers blood pressure.
Strawberries are loaded with fibre and antioxidents. People with type 2 diabetes should add strawberries into thier diet. Since strawberries are a good source of soluble fibre the water content in these magical berries can be very benificial. Strawberries can help people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems. Eating strawberries and other high fibre fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to ease digestion and sooth upset stomachs, constipation, diarrhea, and other symptoms. The antioxidents provided in these berries help with joint problems and keeping skin looking young and healthy.

 There are many uses for strawberries and in my family EVERYONE loves them!

When there are strawberries at my house the first thing that i do is make a strawberry smoothie. Its simple and refreshing. Sometimes if I feel too lazy to cook or I dont like what there is for dinner then I use it as a meal.

     Basically all you need is a handful of strawberries, plain yogurt or if available vanila yogurt, a few almonds or walnuts, and ice. and there you have it a delicious and quick smoothie!

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