Sunday 14 October 2012


Everyone loves a great macaroni recipe, whether it's macaroni and cheese, or a scrumptious macaroni salad. Macaroni is my go to dinner and if i could i would eat it for all my meals. its simple to make and tastes great! One of my new favourite macaroni recipes is one that me and my mom created today. Being a house wife my mom has lots of time on her hands and thus she has a amazing reputation of being a great chef in our family. Today having nothing to do, i asked my mom if we could make dinner together. We started off making macaroni but instead of making the usual sauce which basically for us is a mixture of spagetti sauce, a few herbs, and ground beef, my mom decided to take a few of her afghan recipies and mixed them together. In the end the whole family enjoyed it our new creation, and i know that this will definately be a ricipe that i will pass on to my childrenin the years to come.

here's the recipe:
1 large onion
2 bunches of green onions
2 tbsp tomato paste
3 clove garlic
2 cups chopped spinich
2 tomatos chopped
750 grams macaroni
parsley half bunch
greek yogurt (to top off)
dried mint (pinch)
2 pounds ground beef

1. saute onion and garlic till golden brown
2. add tomato paste, and ground beef stir till browned
3. once browned, add chopped tomatos, green onions, and the rest of the veggies
4. fill a pot halfway with water
5. once boiled add the macaroni to the water
6. stain the cooked macaroni in a strainer and put in a serving dish
7. fill the dish halfway to the top and add the sauce
8. drizzle with greek yogurt and add the rest of the macaroni
9. again add the rest of the sauce and yogurt and top off with dried mint

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