Tuesday 9 October 2012

Shrimp stir fry

Shrimp, one of my favourite sea foods! whether its fried, or boiled, shrimp is an amazing appetizer and an even better meal pared up with a slice of bread, or alone.  Today I thought I would make a little something of  my own for dinner and so I came up with a new and delicious recipe for shrimp, one that I guarantee will spice up your meal and add a kick to your mood! :) It is an easy meal for those days you feel too lazy to cook, and can be made in less then an hour.
Here's the recipe:

3 cups cut and skinned shrimp
2 large onions chopped
2 cloves of garlic
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
2 table spoons tomato paste
2 cups crushed tomato
dash of dried parsley
salt to taste
3 hot chili peppers

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