Monday 31 December 2012

Big bad dyes (the effects of colored dyes)


open a box of cereal now, you might say that it is filled with fruit flavor rather than colors mixed up in  scientific labs. some call them artificial colors, while others call them  food dyes, either way what we can all agree on is that these colors are nowhere near natural, and that they should not be put into our foods. More then often these dyes are generously poured into food products directed to young children, which is a major no no.

Researchers at the University of Southampton have found that colors such as Yellow #5, Yellow #6, and Red #40 could cause hyperactivity in children.Does that mean the other artificial food dyes are safe to consume? No but these three dye colors are known to do the most damage to young children. Impaired brain function, allergies, irritability, difficulty focusing, poor sleep, and lack of impulse control are also among the many side effects of consuming high amounts of food dye, and yet they are found in everything from beverages, to foods, to food like substances such as jello. Ironically, foods marketed to children are often the most heavily dyed foods in the supermarket.

 For many years moms have been making the mistake of giving their kids fruit snacks thinking they contain fruits and that they are a healthier as opposed to candy. But this is far from true as
even these snacks are made with color dyes which aid in the appearance of a more appetizing and nutritious looking snack.

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