Monday 31 December 2012

Breakfast to go

waking up in the morning can be hard for many people. hitting the snooze button every five minutes just to get the most out of your sleep , usually this results in not having enough time to prepare a well balanced breakfast... here are a few quick tricks and tips to help you when your on the go.

Nut butter sandwich
spread a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter or almond butter onto a slice of bagal, toast, or waffle. add a drizzle of your favorite sweetener whether that's honey or jam and there you have it! a quick on the go breakfast sandwich.

Banana topper
this quick recipe calls for only two things: a banana, and Cheerios or granola all you need to do is peel your banana and just roll it around in the cereal until your liking, and there you have it keeps you well full, and is a nutritious and quick breakfast

Trail mix
 put together a few of your fav dried fruits, they can be anything from dried cranberries and raisins, to almonds and peanuts and there you have it simple as that!

Quick Quesadillas
fill a flour tortilla with cheddar cheese and thinly sliced granny smith apple slices and basically thats it! now if you like you can warm it up in the microwave so that the cheese slightly melts, or just eat it like that.

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