Monday 31 December 2012

Man dies after eating 28 raw eggs

A Tunisian man by the name of Dhaou Fatnassi,  took on a dare as revolting as  gulping down 30 eggs in one sitting. Fatnassi being a man of great pride, downed 28 eggs before complaining of severe stomach pains. After realizing that something was terribly wrong with their friend, many group members called an ambulance, but what was done was too much for the poor man, and upon his arrival to the hospital Fatnassi, was declared dead.  The exact cause of Fatnassi’s death is still being investigated. But the dangers of consuming even one egg are already well-known: About 70 percent of the calories in eggs are from fat, and a large portion of that fat is saturated. Just one fatty meal can raise blood pressure, stiffen major arteries, and cause the heart to pump blood at a more stressed pace, increasing the risk of heart attack. so it may not have been what the eggs contained but the amount of nutrients consumed at one time.

Personally i feel that these high levels of nutrients being in-tacked at a rapid speeds caused Fatnessi's blood levels to raise and an over dose in vitamins that should not be taken in, in high amounts.


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