Monday 31 December 2012

morning after


These are just a few of the super foods out there that can be enjoyed alongside any of your favorite dishes. coconut oil is known for its great effects on skin renewal, and hair regrowth. dry or frizzy hair can be tamed with just a few tbsps of coconut oil mixed  with a few drops of water. this solution can now be applied to the scalp and hair. for full term effects, this process should be continued two to three times per week.  Lemon is a natural disinfectant and is great for clearing acne and blackheads. just mix two tbsp of lemon juice with equal amounts of honey. this duo of anti agents not only fights germs, but it also smooths the skin leaving it soft as a babies skin.  and lastly, avocado, hmmmmmmm YUM! one of my favorite fruits are avocados. these creamy and rich tasting plants have an assortment of vitamins and minerals that help to burn fat and lose weight! A great  and very easy recipe for avocados is  an avocado milkshake. all that is really needed for these amazing shakes is one ripe avocado, a cup of milk, some honey, and a few almonds (this is optional) and that's it! easy as that :)

Chocolate zuccini muffins

Makes 12-15 muffins
What you need:
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup oil
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. salt
1-3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup cocoa
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups shredded zucchini

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a muffin tin with cupcake liners. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix together the eggs, oil and buttermilk. Add in all of the dry ingredients, including spices. Mix thoroughly. Stir in zucchini. Fill the prepared muffin tin liners about 3/4 of the way. Bake 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the center muffin comes out mostly clean.

Breakfast to go

waking up in the morning can be hard for many people. hitting the snooze button every five minutes just to get the most out of your sleep , usually this results in not having enough time to prepare a well balanced breakfast... here are a few quick tricks and tips to help you when your on the go.

Nut butter sandwich
spread a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter or almond butter onto a slice of bagal, toast, or waffle. add a drizzle of your favorite sweetener whether that's honey or jam and there you have it! a quick on the go breakfast sandwich.

Banana topper
this quick recipe calls for only two things: a banana, and Cheerios or granola all you need to do is peel your banana and just roll it around in the cereal until your liking, and there you have it keeps you well full, and is a nutritious and quick breakfast

Trail mix
 put together a few of your fav dried fruits, they can be anything from dried cranberries and raisins, to almonds and peanuts and there you have it simple as that!

Quick Quesadillas
fill a flour tortilla with cheddar cheese and thinly sliced granny smith apple slices and basically thats it! now if you like you can warm it up in the microwave so that the cheese slightly melts, or just eat it like that.

Big bad dyes (the effects of colored dyes)


open a box of cereal now, you might say that it is filled with fruit flavor rather than colors mixed up in  scientific labs. some call them artificial colors, while others call them  food dyes, either way what we can all agree on is that these colors are nowhere near natural, and that they should not be put into our foods. More then often these dyes are generously poured into food products directed to young children, which is a major no no.

Researchers at the University of Southampton have found that colors such as Yellow #5, Yellow #6, and Red #40 could cause hyperactivity in children.Does that mean the other artificial food dyes are safe to consume? No but these three dye colors are known to do the most damage to young children. Impaired brain function, allergies, irritability, difficulty focusing, poor sleep, and lack of impulse control are also among the many side effects of consuming high amounts of food dye, and yet they are found in everything from beverages, to foods, to food like substances such as jello. Ironically, foods marketed to children are often the most heavily dyed foods in the supermarket.

 For many years moms have been making the mistake of giving their kids fruit snacks thinking they contain fruits and that they are a healthier as opposed to candy. But this is far from true as
even these snacks are made with color dyes which aid in the appearance of a more appetizing and nutritious looking snack.

5 surprising benefits of yogurt

yogurt has many nutritious health benefits. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin B 12.. People with a risk of osteoporosis should eat at least one serving of yogurt per day.
It has also been claimed that yogurt may protect against some types of cancer.
There are three types of yogurt: regular(whole milk), low-fat and skim. Low-fat and skim yogurt are good for people who are on a cholesterol lowering diet or just simply watching their weights. These types of yogurt do not raise blood cholesterol levels.
Some people have trouble digesting lactose, a carbohydrate in milk and other milk products, Yogurt is a healthy way to get the calcium the body needs, for the people who can not tolerate milk products.

Man dies after eating 28 raw eggs

A Tunisian man by the name of Dhaou Fatnassi,  took on a dare as revolting as  gulping down 30 eggs in one sitting. Fatnassi being a man of great pride, downed 28 eggs before complaining of severe stomach pains. After realizing that something was terribly wrong with their friend, many group members called an ambulance, but what was done was too much for the poor man, and upon his arrival to the hospital Fatnassi, was declared dead.  The exact cause of Fatnassi’s death is still being investigated. But the dangers of consuming even one egg are already well-known: About 70 percent of the calories in eggs are from fat, and a large portion of that fat is saturated. Just one fatty meal can raise blood pressure, stiffen major arteries, and cause the heart to pump blood at a more stressed pace, increasing the risk of heart attack. so it may not have been what the eggs contained but the amount of nutrients consumed at one time.

Personally i feel that these high levels of nutrients being in-tacked at a rapid speeds caused Fatnessi's blood levels to raise and an over dose in vitamins that should not be taken in, in high amounts.


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Green smoothies

What if you could drink a magic potion that would revitalize you, clear your body of unwanted toxins, and be really easy  to make with ingredients straight from your local supermarket? Green Smoothies can do just that, and much more.

Green smoothies are a mix or any type of fruits and vegetables all into one drink. This is an easy and simple way to get all the serving of fruits and vegetables required for daily consumption. Personally i know many people who have a hard time eating raw vegetables and have ended up having vitamin deficiencies. With the taste of these smoothies there is no telling what is in them and can be substituted for any meal. We all live a a busy lifestyle where making a meal cuts us back from spending time with the family, or getting to work. But with this drink breakfast can be prepared only in a matter of a few minutes. When replacing a major meal savory green smoothies can be made using ingredients such as tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, and even spices to make it a satisfying hearty meal. this drink makes losing weight easier without the hassle of making 20 different things. Being a big fan of Dr. Oz, he explained on his show that  Green leafy veggies are great to eat due to the fact that they have tons of cancer fighting properties, and vitamins and minerals which help boost the immune system . Upping green leafy vegetable  intake has been proven to reduce heart disease and prevent many other diseases. Green smoothies help cut cravings as they are satisfying and provide the body with tons of nutrients. whenever you feel a caving coming on a glass of this smoothie will demolish that fact in no time and eating more vegetables lead your body into having more energy and asking for more.

one recipe that i tried out this morning and loved is one that i got off the Dr. Oz show here is the recipe:

2 cups spinach
2 cups cucumber
1 head of celery
1/2 inch or teaspoon ginger root
1 bunch parsley
2 apples
Juice of 1 lime
Juice of 1/2 lemon