Thursday 3 January 2013

The effects of citrus fruits

l e m o n

Promotes healthy weight-loss due to digestive aid and liver cleansing abilities · prevents acne · lessens anxiety · helps neutralize fevers and chills · fights fatigue · freshens breath · heals hypertension · fights inflammation · boosts the immune system to fight bacterial and viral infections

o r a n g e

Prevents the hardening of arteries · kills cancer-causing free radicals · lowers LLD cholesterol levels · relieves constipation by stimulating digestive juices · promotes healthy sperm production · lowers high blood pressure · prevents kidney stones · protects skin from free radical damage · lowers the risk of stomach ulcers · fights viral infections

l i m e

Rejuvenates skin and reduces body odor · aids in digestion · prevents constipation by clearing the excretory system · help heal peptic and oral ulcers · the peel’s aromas help to relieve nausea and congestion (just scratch it and inhale!) · promotes eye health · aids in healthy weight-loss · prevents urinary disorders · prevents arthritis and rheumatism, diabetes, and cancer

g r a p e f r u i t

Increases metabolism · prevents arthritis · scavenges cancer-causing free radicals in the body · helps lower bad cholesterol (consult your doctor before consuming if you are on prescription drugs) · prevents common cold and fevers · dissolves gallstones · enhances liver function and digestive processes · improves skin complexion

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