Thursday 6 September 2012

Bug food

Recently, word has spread that scientists are proposing ideas of using bugs as  major food sources. Many of these scientists claim that insects such as crickets, caterpillars  and grubs are high in protein and minerals, and could potentially be a an important food source during droughts and floods. Some even suggest that raising bug farms would be easier than raising cows and pigs.

I think that in the near future we will be seeing many new foods and food ideas involving insects. Foods like cockroach pot pie, and macaroni and bees. Yuck !! Though many scientists may look at this as a very good way to get through droughts and floods and an even better source of nutrients. i look at this as an easy way to tract decease and cancers. How can eating bugs be healthy for you when all bugs live in dirty and smelly place? Dumps for example are filled with cockroaches, flies, and maggots. These insects eat anything and everything that come in their path. so eating these repulsive bugs is like eating the filth filled in their bodies. As humans we tend to eat farm animals. Animals filled with flavor and nutrients ones we ourselves feed and take care of. Insects on the other hand we can not track down what they eat and what kind of deceases they carry with themselves. With the size of bugs there would have to be very many bugs in order to create one dish, unlike animals like cows or goats which can be used to serve many times due to their size and weight.